
For a more detailed explanation of St. Thomas Church, its distinctive’s and beliefs you can read these in the Appendix sections of: An Ancient Worship Movement.

Vision Statement

St. Thomas Church is a church planting movement in ancient tradition: “Ancient Worship For Today.” St. Thomas operates as an indigenous mission-sending entity to unreached peoples raising up disciples in a local context as Good News bearers.

 Mission Statement

We exist to know and worship the Triune God, living a life of fruitfulness in the furtherance of the Good News to unreached peoples.

Core Values

The ethos of St. Thomas Church has unique elements towards the contextualization of unreached peoples in Canada. 

Knowing God – Having an intimate relationship with God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ is the greatest achievement we can have in life. Knowing Him is eternal life and satisfies all our inward desires giving us rest.

Worshipping Jesus – The fascination of heaven is Jesus. He is worshipped in unending unison of the angels and saints. Our worship should be towards Him and His Person. As we worship on earth we join the heavenly worship around the throne of God.

Early Church Pattern – There are many discipleship and Church patterns utilized amongst many denominations in our day. There is a movement back to implementing some of the earliest Church discipleship methods (Liturgy, Creedal Statements, Headcoverings, Catechesis, etc).

Good News Bearers – The Good News of Jesus is too good not to share. We should experience such joy from knowing Him that we are compelled to share Him with lost humanity. We desire to see all disciples in this movement be proclaimers of this Good News message.

Statement of Faith

The St. Thomas Church embraces the basic doctrines affirmed by the wider Christian Church through the ages. Our theological statements are in general agreement with “mainline” Protestant churches. Two of the most widely accepted Christian doctrinal statements, the Apostles’ and the Nicene creeds, are included in our liturgies.

We have two sacraments – Baptism and Holy Communion.
With the whole of Christendom we share faith in the Triune God who has once and for all revealed himself and redeemed humanity in his Son. 

The Triune God as revealed in the Holy Scripture of the Old and New Testaments is the only source of our life and salvation; and this Scripture is the sole standard of the doctrine and faith of the St. Thomas Church and therefore shapes our life. 

The St. Thomas Church recognizes in the creeds of the Church the thankful acclaim of the Body of Christ. These creeds aid the Church in formulating a Scriptural confession, in marking the boundary of heresies, and in exhorting believers to an obedient and fearless testimony in every age.

We believe in and confess the Headship of Jesus Christ, the Son of God over the Church. He died that He might unite the scattered children of God. As the living Lord and Shepherd, He is leading His flock.